Recent development

Hi all, this is a post to just let you all know that with EndWalker’s expansion coming up, hardly any RP venues will be open, and even if they are, services will be limited. I am also needing time to progress on my main story quests and side quests. With this in mind, I will be posting 2 near completed reviews up, however other reviews will have to wait.

A period of 3 weeks will be taken for me to complete my tasks. After that I will continue working on the other many many drafts that are still backlogged. I hope you will continue to visit this website and be patient with me.

Thank you.

Chock Cat Cafe

World: Garuda
Location: Lavender Beds Ward 10 Lily Hills Apartment 41
Owner: Dylan Myst
Menu & Services:
Opening days / hours: Every Friday afternoons GMT+8
Number of staff: Three (Owner included)

Upon seeing the name of the cafe, one instantly thinks of; a fat cat. A big fat cat. One might say, chonky. Super chonky. Sorry to burst your bubble but the only thing getting chonky, is your belly after coming to a cafe like this. Opened by Mr Dylan Myst and his wife Ms karmaz Karmazur, the aim was to bring a cozy place for adventurers to seek comfort during their travels. A friend of theirs helps out in the cafe, bringing the total staff to just a simple three.

The entrance is fronted by two beautiful glass doors, giving any customer a glance to what might be in store inside. With white walls and bright coloured lights, the scene is set for a warm inviting atmosphere for any customer walking in. Furniture of dark pinewood fill the room, offsetting the brightness with a few cool colours to ease on the eyes. Small plantations litter the edges of the room, giving a small hint of nature to anyone sitting close.

The bar counter offers many selections of food and drink for one to partake in, all complimenting the scenery you see around you. Warm drinks and bright coloured sandwiches are presented neatly in shelves and containers, offering a delight of the taste buds as they dance on your tongue, while your skin soaks in the warm sunlight coming through the slightly opaque windows.

A window at the end offers a view of the outside, where trees and flowers welcome you with open arms, happily swaying in the wind, like a dance performance just for you.

The place might not have a lot to show, but they make up for it with a happy trio working. The interactions with the staff is ever tasteful, often conducting in colourful banter, which often ensues laughter. Sometimes the fun doesn’t have to only be the location, but the people there as well, and this cafe, is one such place to be.

Mokuten Cafe

World: Tonberry
Location: Mist Ward 16 Plot 33
Owner: Kyosuke Ichijou
Menu & Services:
Opening days / hours: whenever owner is available (at least 3 times a week)
Number of staff: three (including owner)

Ever wanted to experience a cafe that is built into an attic? Something small, something airy, something full of wonder. Well Mokuten Cafe gives anyone inside a reason to build pillow forts, and maybe have a drink or two in hand for the extra boost in comfort.

A soft wooden finish breaks out all over the cafe, smells of wood fill up around you as you step into the arrangement of decor and style. Colourful plantations accompany the interiors, giving a fresh scent to those around it, as well as giving the eyes a colourful glance of nature. Soft wooden walls line beside you as you make your way to the counter, a touch seems to give your fingers a paper-like texture.

Entering the front of the counter, a small kitchen can be noticed behind it. Not much cooking can be done, but you somehow make out what seems to be scents of freshly baked dough and warmth coming from its surroundings. Cakes and other pastries come into view as you make your way across the isle, offering a small selection to choose from but all equally savoury looking.

Seats are aplenty in the cafe, offering small stools for the kid in us that would like such a chance. A wide couch covers the edge of wall opposite the counter, with small tables lined in front of it, again giving another sense of child-like imagination given how small they look.

Sitting on the couch will reveal how soft they are, almost like a bed waiting to wrap its cushions around you, a feeling of comfort washes over you, as you take a sip of tea or a nibble of cake, fully embracing what has become of your body and mind; a blissful getaway.

If you are ever in the vicinity or the urge to visit a memory long forgotten, Mokuten Cafe offers a chance to relive those moments.

The Emmaculate

World: Kujata
Location: Lavender Beds Ward 6 Plot 35 Room 6
Owner: Emma Jaye
Menu & Services: Relaxation
Opening days / hours: open to the public (regardless of owner availability)
Number of staff: One (Owner works alone)

Feeling tired? Wish to have a place to just sit back, relax and read a book or take in the atmosphere? Well the Emmaculate is the place to be. The reason for opening as told by Ms Emma Jaye is a simple one; a place for everyone to enjoy and be in regardless of the owner being around or not. The establishment has a mixture of colourful decors, and simplicity for an all round finish.

A simple bar greets you at the front door, lined with drinks of all kinds of variety, from the simple coffee to the sweet scented wines. A strange fragrant scent emits from the area, a mix of herbs and spices rubs on your nose, giving your senses a small trail to follow should your mind be tempted to know more.

Small stacks of books line the side, but strangely, none of it looks messy. The titles can be seen arranged in order despite its clutter, perhaps done on purpose.

Moving towards the back, a few long tables offer seating arrangements. A marble finish table, smooth and clean to the touch, paired with couches of leather form a nice alcove should one wish to lay around or have a group of friends wishing to converse in peace.

Bookshelves like the side, offering more selections to the curious reader, but also mimicking a set of stairs, leading up to a small balcony. A small window offers brief sunlight to enter, giving warmth to the colours it touches. A mysteriously airy couch heads the center of the room, offering a cool breeze to compliment the hint of sunlight.

Sometimes, having the smallest of things ready within your reach, could be all you’re looking for, and sometimes it is what makes your day. If you are ever in the vicinity, do have an opportunity to treat yourself for a brief reprieve in the cozy little getaway.

Patisserie d’Argent

World: Atomos
Location: Shirogane Ward 14 Plot 27
Owner: Sophia Silverwind
Menu & Services:
Opening days / hours: Once a week (usually weekends) 9 – 11am GMT+8
Number of staff: One (Owner)

Baking, baking bread, baking muffins, baking pies, baking bread, did I say bread twice? Ah no matter, bread is always great for the body, nothing starts your morning off like some bread. Did I say before that they serve bread?

Well if you’ve read past my constant stressing of bread, welcome to Patisserie d’Argent, where you’ll find not just the owner, but an entire FC, dedicated to baking all sorts of treats. Headed by FC leader Sophia Silverwind, she started this business as a means for her FC to sell everything they bake, including her own. And since they open relatively early in the day, you can be sure that you are starting off your mornings correctly with her cafe.

The smell of bread instantly overwhelms you, as you open the wooden doors, taking you to a land of pastry in your heart and mind. Every sort of bread enters your imagination; white bread, nut bread, chocolate bread, so much more. The sights of the freshly baked pastries instantly greet you at the counter, drawing you closer to see what is offered with smells getting stronger with each step.

Off to the side, you can see baked goods of all kinds, from loafs of breads, to small uniquely shaped ones, each emitting a different scent, each enticing you to try them. A small grill sits on the front table, giving you the option to toast up your bread should you fancy a more crusty experience.

A small balcony hands overhead, giving a overhead view of the patisserie, and an up close experience with the various scents the bakery gives off, as the warm heat of each baked item slowly drifts upwards, enveloping the surrounding area with savory smells and tastes you can feel on your lips.

I cannot stress enough how much this place oozes bread products and other baked goods, with affordable prices to go as well. A little surprise for all readers who had read this far; the bakery serves another purpose other than a patisserie, I won’t say what it is, but only for you to find out (hint: ask the owner working on the day itself).

Tama Cafe

World: Kujata
Location: Goblet Ward 21 Plot 35
Owner: Wolfen Frost
Menu & Services:
Opening days / hours: Every Sunday evening GMT +8
Number of staff: One (Owner works alone)

Tama cafe, the definition of form and factor. Everything inside is perfectly structured and stylized. The balance of dark colours of the floor and walls, are brightened and complimented by the warm furniture colours, thus giving the eyes much needed comfort in a colourful environment. Mr Wolfen Frost built the place after hoping to convince players to stay in the game, with insights of other cafes from hopping around. Let my pictures show a bigger picture of what is to come.

Entering the cafe reveals a small but spacious interior, full of earthly colours, allowing one to feel like a journey into Eorzean nature. Plenty of windows all around to allow the natural sunlight to be a illumination for the cafe, giving even more natural atmosphere.

Walking past the small but neat rows of couches, you’ll come across the kitchen, dressed in furnishings mimicking a pit stop you find on a nature trail or park, the moogle clock adding that small touch of authenticity. Small pictures of the 3 main cities hang just overhead, each with a painting of what represents them, giving you a nice view of your adventures to come. The smell of scented grass just looms over your nose as you sit down to have a coffee or tea.

Each couch is lined with flowers at its feet, yet stepping on them doesn’t hurt them at all, but instead the flowers gently wrap around your feet, almost as if welcoming you into their land of beauty. Small lanterns light up the table, giving a picnic aesthetic to the entire layout.

Should one wish to be enthralled by nature’s best, while enjoying a cafe experience, then Tama Cafe is one such place to go to, offering treats of all kinds, including shaved ice, which is a rarity in itself.


World: Tonberry
Location: Shirogane Ward 24 Kobai Goten Apartment 63
Owner: Aoshi Yamakuro
Menu & Services:
Opening days / hours: Whenever owner is available
Number of staff: 1 (owner works alone)

Ever thought, I need more Namazus in my life, I need Namazu themed food and drink too! Well now you can with the new opening of Namazu-Dori (new during the time of writing and publishing that is), a place opened inspired by another establishment of similar themes.

Walking in, an immediate sense of the tight spaces of Kugane’s lower district food streets begin to sink in, reminiscence of peering into each shop to see what each food stall offers. Small Namazus creep along the corridor, surprising you at corners you least expect. The smell of ramen broths can be identified as you walk closer towards the stairs at the back of the room.

The back of the room houses a few small benches with a log fire in the middle of each bench, allowing groups to find small alcoves hidden away for a somewhat private getaway. The smell of the firewood enhances any current cravings one has. Stairs of red beckon you to ascend, greatly awaiting what to expect at the balcony above.

At the top, a man with a Namazu for a head stands to greet you, offering a drink of rather strange colours. Should one drink it, the Namazu will grant you access to its menus. As scary as it sounds, it is actually much more harmless than that, as the drink only imitates colours but is only of a sweet drink.

Up above, looking down offers a view of any incoming customer, as if in the streets are piled up, forcing buildings to stack close to each other, like the fictional city called Hong Kong told by wandering artists and poets.

So if Namazus are your thing, and you really can’t get enough, then look out for this establishment to appear next time on your party finder. It is a place you’ll not want to miss.

Peak’s Pub & Bistro

World: Aegis
Location: Goblet Ward 5 Plot 33 Room 1
Owner: Peak Sterzia
Menu & Services:
Opening days / hours: Daily 12am onwards GMT +8
Number of staff: 4 (including owner)

A family bistro, that’s the most simplest way I can describe this place. A home, away from home, where smiles greet you at every corner. A place doesn’t have to be big to feel spacious, and yet the bistro has managed to achieve a subtle amount of open areas for people to mingle around, be it in groups or alone. Mr Peak Sterzia has built a place where a dad, is looking after his children.

Stepping into the bistro, a small opening greets you, floor of marble, washed in colour. The right of you stands a counter, of wood and brick, dark and mellow. The kitchen shadows the table to the back, where the owner stands ever ready to take an order to cook at the utmost speed.

To the left, a small fountain with gentle sounds of water flowing down into the reservoir, with small sounds of splashes hinting at you. A small balcony stands above the fountain, with even smaller couches layered on top of it, a perfect getaway for those who wish to have a quiet time with their friends or alone, in a calming environment.

Walking deeper into the bistro, a small fireplace, built of stone and brick, fronted with a small couch with leather skin, giving a soft touch to the body, while having the warmth of the fire coarse through one’s body. A giant aquarium, where fishes seem to swim in, however closer inspections will reveal no water inside, almost like magic. The lack of water allows for someone to enter, and that someone, is usually the local bard performer, giving the aquarium a chance to become a stage itself.

The bistro offers a few more nooks to find, and to that I will not spoil, as finding the small corners of the bistro, is somewhat of a magical journey in itself. One thing I can say however, is that this place is a place I frequent often, due to the specific cozy nature of the place, where every smile is comforting and every laughter, is tingling.

If you ever feel homesick, Peak’s Pub & Bistro offers a sanctum of home like nothing else. If you look hard enough, even the owner looks like a dad.

Cafe Nokori

World: Tonberry
Location: Mist Ward 17 Topmast Apartment 57
Owner: Konoe Karou
Menu & Services:
Opening days / hours: Sunday 1pm onwards GMT +8
Number of staff: 4 (including owner)

Sometimes, one gets tired of all the complexity, the dozens of colours and designs of various venues, and wishes to just, unwind in a nice quiet getaway, well Cafe Nokori is one such place that one can be at peace, with oneself and the world. Built by Konoe Karou and a friend, both head the establishment with smiles and clouds of white.

Entering the venue seems as if comfort was place at the utmost importance, as an open spaciousness fills your eyes. White furniture, teal walls, brown floor, akin to clouds and earth merged as one. The feelings of adrift comes to you, like a dream but a waking one. Soft sounds of sea waves flow into your ears, bringing you closer to calm and stillness. An open space like this allows one to feel empty, and yet, full at the same time.

Large empty spaces on raised platforms fill the back of the room, accompanied by soft, fluffy pillows that meld with your hands and body to the touch. Sunrays shine in from hazy windows, dispersing light onto the room, never being too glaring or hurtful to one’s eyes. If you get close enough to the walls, a soft breeze can be felt, almost as if the walls are breathing.

If you can define calm as a place, this would be it. With the friendliest and most cheerful of owners, smiles are bound aplenty. So if you are feeling sore and tired from a long’s day of work, or even a place to feel refreshed, Cafe Nokori is the place to be. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to drift off into the waves of serenity……