Cat Cafe Phron’to

World: Tonberry
Location: Goblet Ward 18 Plot 20
Owner: Pronterus Audacia
Menu & Services:
Opening days / hours: Weekend afternoons
Number of staff: One (Owner)

Cafes are plenty in this world, but you know what isn’t? Cafes that feel right at home. In comes the Cat Cafe Phron’to, a cafe that not only smells aromatic, but feels aromatic too. Everything from the furniture to the menu has been carefully tailored for peace and tranquility.

Just looking upon the main counter, a wave of emotions will sweep through you. The colour of the walls, and the furniture, all blend together like smooth cream on top of a cake, as it slowly melts down to the gentle red coloured bricks laying below them. The food pops out against the background as the vibrant colours explode towards you in all it’s glory, enticing you to give them a try, for not you will regret in the future.

Sunlight slowly creeps through the windows of the place, gently landing on your skin, and caressing you to close your eyes, and let it carry you to better days.

Or better yet, head on over to the comfy blankets and soft mats, and soothe yourself to dreams far beyond. Soft rays of light bounce across the room, complimented by the window sills that house pictures of a far away land, both giving you a sense of being drawn away, away from all the hustle and bustle.

Feeling in the mood of something to treat yourself? Well why just stop at your taste? Indulge yourself and immerse in visual, audio, and sensory satisfaction as you sit in a throne of beauty, surrounded by tranquility.

So come on down to the Cat Cafe Phron’to and see what you can be, in a place where being, is peace.

This venue also is able to host events and parties, their latest completed event was an after-Eternal Bonding party, so feel free to contact the owner for event hostings!

Author: scythedeath

Active FFRK and MobiusFF player.

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